Burn Plastic Surgery Before and After in Delhi NCR
Burn Abdomen
Axilla Contracture
Finger Contracture
Finger Contracture
Hand Contracture
Neck Contracture

Are you searching for a complete treatment of burn plastic surgery before and after in Delhi? If you get a bad burn injury, the first thing your doctor will probably do is examine your skin. The doctor may send you to a burn center for further treatment if he or she feels concerned about giving you full-service treatment as an outpatient. Do you want to get the best burn plastic surgery before and after in Delhi NCR? Then you must visit Dr. Deepak Rathore the best doctor for burn plastic surgery treatment with proper guidance that remove all your pain and burn problems with complete satisfaction.
Burns injuries can leave very bad scar marks. Burns scar marks are not only disfiguring but also cause functional deficits. Majority burn injuries (especially those which heal after long time) heal by skin contraction. This leads to what we call “Burn Contractures”.
Burn contractures are formed across joint lines, mouth, eyelids, or ears. Such contractures lead to inability to open or close the joints, inability to eat or drink properly or inability to open or close eyes properly.
My Name is Dr Deepak Rathore, and I am a burn surgeon in Delhi NCR, India. While dealing with contractures my primary aim is to restore the function of the body part affected by the contracture. Plastic surgery for such burn injuries is a life changing event for patients.
I do contracture release for such patients along with skin grafts or flap covers as needed. Once contracture is released, I follow a strict exercise, physiotherapy and splintage regimen to maintain and improve the results after burn plastic surgery. Splintage and physiotherapy form mainstay of prevention and treatment of burn injuries. These two form the cornerstone for burn rehabilitation.

I insist that my patients show me how they do physiotherapy and exercise to optimise the results and defer the need of burn plastic surgery for patients.
I tend to make a lot of customised splints made by hand for tailormade treatments for my patients. It helps in compliance (patient is more comfortable in wearing the splints) and gives better results. I used thermoplastic based splints also.
However, even with best of care some will land into contracture and will need burn plastic surgery for release of contractures. In children, I prefer full thickness grafts for small contracture release so that we get best before and after results of burn plastic surgery for such patients.
Full thickness grafts grow equally with the child and give best results. It reduces the incidence of recurrence of contractures. If I need large skin grafts, I prefer dermal substitutes followed by skin grafts. There is a limit to how large a full thickness graft can be taken. In cases where requirement is large, we use skin substitutes. I am among the few plastic surgeons in North India using these dermal substitutes for burn patient’s surgeries in Delhi NCR.
In Adults I prefer intermediate thickness skin grafts to get best before after results after burn plastic surgery (contracture release). If patients have extensive areas and donor site is limited I offer dermal substitutes to adults also. These dermal substitutes are pliable and give good functional and cosmetic results in burn patients.
I also do flaps following release of burn contractures, though it is rare, but we must do this surgery at times. I stay vigilant for such cases where contracture release may expose vital structures needing skin flaps.
If you are looking for best before and after results following burn plastic surgery in Delhi NCR then look no further than us. We are doing everything from skin grafts, dermal substitutes, and flaps as needed for the burn patient.
Delhi is capital of India, and it has multiple government burn centres. The area drains burn injury patients from entire North India, we receive burn injuries from Kashmir in the north to Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, and Bihar. We are among the few private centres providing burn care in Delhi NCR. We strive to get best burn surgery before and after results for our patients in Delhi NCR.